We will bring years of small business experience, marketing, proven leadership, research, and educational expertise to assist you and your business overcome and thrive.
We will bring years of small business experience, marketing, proven leadership, research, and educational expertise to assist you and your business overcome and thrive.
Prices may vary depending upon the work completed.
*Prices are standard and may vary based on individual assessment, project proposal, and scope of work. Contract Fees are assessed based on content and delivery of services.
Campaign Group Training: $1,500
Development of a campaign or project appeal letter: $750
Development of a campaign tabloid: $5,500
Campaign Manager: Statewide $9,500 per month
District-wide: $7,000 per month
Campaign Travel: Paid by the candidate (meals, room/board, gas)
Opposition Research and Graphic Design: $1,750
Development and drafting of a case statement for the organization: $3500
Development and drafting of a press release: $1,750
Development and drafting of an organizational brochure or annual report: $2,500 and up ($125.00 per hour)
Event-planning and development plus expenses: $5,000 and Up
Develop and draft a comprehensive fund development plan: $3,500 and up
Conduct prospect research and provide a minimum of 25 funding sources: $4,500
Rewrite a fully developed existing proposal: $2000 - $3000
Development and drafting of a new proposal: $2500 - $3500
Foundation Proposals: $2500 - $4500
State Proposals: $3500-$6000
Federal Proposals (I have workspace but may need permissions from your organization): $6000-$15,000
Response to a Request for Proposal (RFP), Request for Application (RFA), or a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA): $3500 - $7500 and up
Proofreading without rewrite and editing an existing proposal (20 pages or less) $1,500.00
Conduct grant-writing seminar plus expenses: $3,500 per day
Fee determined on a case-by-case basis
Prospective donor follow-up
Editing books
Web site copy
Website development: $10,000 and up ($125.00 per hour)
Continual Website Oversight (contract): $95.00 per hour