Rate Card


Rates are based on current standard pricing.

Prices may vary depending upon the work completed.


*Prices are standard and may vary based on individual assessment, project proposal, and scope of work. Contract Fees are assessed based on content and delivery of services.



  • Campaign Group Training: $1,500

    Development of a campaign or project appeal letter: $750

    Development of a campaign tabloid: $5,500

    Campaign Manager: Statewide $9,500 per month

    District-wide: $7,000 per month

    Campaign Travel: Paid by the candidate (meals, room/board, gas)

    Opposition Research and Graphic Design: $1,750

  • Development and drafting of a case statement for the organization: $3500

    Development and drafting of a press release: $1,750

    Development and drafting of an organizational brochure or annual report: $2,500 and up ($125.00 per hour)

  • Event-planning and development plus expenses:  $5,000 and Up

  • Develop and draft a comprehensive fund development plan: $3,500 and up

    Conduct prospect research and provide a minimum of 25 funding sources: $4,500 

  • Rewrite a fully developed existing proposal: $2000 - $3000

    Development and drafting of a new proposal: $2500 - $3500

    Foundation Proposals: $2500 - $4500

    State Proposals: $3500-$6000

    Federal Proposals (I have workspace but may need permissions from your organization): $6000-$15,000

    Response to a Request for Proposal (RFP), Request for Application (RFA), or a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA): $3500 - $7500 and up

    Proofreading without rewrite and editing an existing proposal (20 pages or less) $1,500.00

    Conduct grant-writing seminar plus expenses: $3,500 per day

  • Fee determined on a case-by-case basis

    • Prospective donor follow-up

    • Editing books

    • Newsletters

    • Web site copy

    • Ghostwriting

  • Website development: $10,000 and up ($125.00 per hour)

    Continual Website Oversight (contract): $95.00 per hour