Butterfly Face

"If you stare at the face of the butterfly, you will miss My glory in its wings."

I had a difficult decision to make, and I was up against some fairly great odds. In order to live out my life the way that I had always dreamed, I had to make a decision that appeared in my mind to be inconceivable. I was overwhelmed by the problem and felt paralyzed by fear.

The Black Dreamer...Let There Be Hope Again

The American Dream.

It’s a promise that is earned. It’s a perception set by every American rooted in life experiences. We watch our parents, our family members, and family friends. We hear stories of generations no longer amongst us; tales of failures, of strikeouts, and home runs - it causes us to dream. Formed at a young age groomed as we grow, we set our sights on obtaining a goal. The American Dream is not something someone hands you it’s something you go out and persevere to attain.

Workplace Faith

As I weaved my way through the stressful situations the various interviewees were so kind to share with me I found that the vast majority of them; from the dance club owner to the sales manager at the car lot turned to one thing in a time of stress; their faith. I was shocked.