Broken Tree

Broken Tree

A man once called me broken tree. He could see that although I was deeply wounded from life experiences, I still was rooted in something worthy of restoration. Roots tended with water and TRUTH will indeed produce again.

Sometimes experiences in life UPROOT us, and we lose our foundation. Perhaps we are born into such chaotic situations that, quite frankly, we never experienced a firm foundation and have lived uprooted for the vast majority of life.

Soon this area will represent several videos, blog posts, and podcasts of individuals who, like me, were once broken, perhaps are still broken but have a story worth telling. We look forward to traversing the mountains and foothills of our fellow mankind to find the spark, the fail, the hint of something glorious. Let’s find it together!

Stay tuned….this has only just begun.

Author: Ian I. Grove, broken tree

The Grove Projects

The Grove Projects